Saturday, December 19, 2020

Kubernetes for Developers #4: Enable kubectl bash autocompletion

Kubectl provides autocomplete support for bash which can save us lot of typing.

Bash on Windows using Git bash

1. Install Git bash from if it is not available in your computer

2. Navigate to “C:\Users\<yourname>” from Git bash cli

3. Run following command to get kubectl autocompletion bash commands and save into “kubectl-completion.bash” file

> kubectl completion bash > ~/kubectl-completion.bash

4. Create or Update .bashrc file source

> echo 'source ~/kubectl-completion.bash' >> .bashrc

5. Restart Git bash and start typing kubectl get po          ( press [TAB] key )

Bash on Windows using Conemu/Cmder

It is an another handy multi and split tab windows terminal. It supports multiple command terminals like cmd, PowerShell, bash and etc.

1. Install Git bash from if it is not available in your computer

2. Install Conemu from if it is not available in your computer.

3. Open new Git Bash console from Conemu terminal

4. Navigate to “C:\Users\<yourname>”

5. Run following command to get kubectl autocompletion bash commands and save into “kubectl-completion.bash” file

> kubectl completion bash > ~/kubectl-completion.bash

6. Create or Update .bashrc file source

> echo 'source ~/kubectl-completion.bash' >> .bashrc

7. Restart Conemu terminal and start typing kubectl get po   ( press [TAB] key )

Bash on Linux/macOS

Please go through below link to enable kubectl autocompletion on Linux/macOS

Kubernetes for Developers Journey.
Happy Coding :)

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