Kubernetes for Developers #2: Kubernetes for Local Development

There are multiple ways to run a Kubernetes cluster in the local computer.

1. Docker Desktop

It comes with standalone Kubernetes server, client and Docker container runtime.

The Kubernetes server runs locally within your Docker instance as a single node cluster with pre-configured version, kubectl, users and contexts. 

To enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop;  Go to Docker Desktop settings ,  Click on Kubernetes menu and check “Enable Kubernetes” checkbox


  • we cannot modify kubernetes version in the Docker Desktop
  • There is no out-of-box solution for kubernetes Web UI dashboard
  • There is no option to enable add-ons

2. Minikube

It is a cross-platform tool works on Linux, mac and windows. It supports different container runtimes like Docker, containerd and CRI-O.

It will start as single node kubernetes cluster with Web UI dashboard and LoadBalancer features by issuing minikube start command  


  • It supports multiple clusters
  • It supports different Kubernetes versions
  • It can be deployed as a VM, a container or on bare metal
  • It supports different add-ons like ingress, metric-server and helm

Please visit @ https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/ for more details. 

3) Kind

Kind stands for Kubernetes inside Docker. It was primarily designed for testing kubernetes itself and it supports multi node clusters.

 Please visit @ https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/ for more details. 

Kubernetes for Developers Journey.
Happy Coding :)
