Docker Assignments #20: Deploy an Angular Application using Nginx

 Nginx is a webserver and can also be used as reverse-proxy, load balancer and http cache

  1. Setup an angular docker application as per previous article
  2. change command as "npm run build" in docker-compose.yml
  3. run docker-compose up command  to generate dist folder in the host machine
  4. make sure to remove dist folder entry in .dockerignore file
  5. create Dockerfile.nginx in the root directory and add following content
FROM nginx:1.17.1-alpine
COPY ./dist/docker-angular/ /usr/share/nginx/html/

     6. create file in the root directory and add following content
        - 8080:80

    7. run following docker compose up command

       > docker-compose -f "" up

    8. check http://localhost:8080/

we can even spin up docker containers by right click on in vscode and select "Compose up" option

Source code available under

Happy Coding :)
