1. HTTP GET probe
It performs an HTTP GET request on the container’s REST API resource. If the probe receives a response code between 2xx to 3xx is considered successful. If Http server returns different response code (i.e. other than 2xx to 3xx) or if it doesn’t respond at all, the probe is considered a failure and pod will be detached from the service endpoint.3. Exec probe
- Configure the Readiness probe to perform request on a specific URL path (i.e. /ready)
- Make sure HTTP GET /ready does not require validation or authentication
- Liveness probes do not wait for readiness probes to succeed. Both probes run parallel. If you want to wait before executing a liveness probe you should use initialDelaySeconds.
- It is highly useful if your application needs to load lot of configuration/data during startup.
- Readiness and liveness probes can be used in parallel for the same container. Using both can ensure that traffic does not reach a container that is not ready for it, and that containers are restarted when they fail.
- liveness Prob failureThreshold default value is 3. So, it is not mandatory to specify again in pod yaml file.
- Do not set the same specification for Liveness and Readiness Probe
- Try to avoid "exec" probes as there are known problems with them
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