JavaScript Currying in ES5 and ES6

  1. It is a mechanism of evaluating function with multiple parameters into sequence of functions with single parameter. It means, Instead of passing all parameters at one time, takes first parameter and return a new function that takes second and return a new function, until all parameters have been fulfilled. 
  2. It is useful to create reusable event handling code 
  3. It is helpful to avoid passing same variable again and again 
  4. It is helpful to create a higher order function
ES5 Normal Function
var say = function(wish, name) {
  console.log(wish + ", " + name);
say("Hi", "Nolan");  // output :  Hi,Nolan

Convert above function into nested function

ES5 Currying Function
var saycurrying = function(wish) {
  return function(name) {
    console.log(wish + ", " + name);
var sayHi = saycurrying ("Hi");
sayHi ("Nolan"); // output : Hi, Nolan
sayHi ("Christopher"); // output : Hi, Christopher

Direct Calling Currying Function
saycurrying(“Hi”)(“Nolan”) // output :  Hi, Nolan

ES5 Currying Function-  Example2
function sum(x) {
  return (y) => {
    return (z) => {
      return x + y + z;
var firstparam=sum(2);  /
var secondparam = firstparam(3);
var result = secondparam(4);  // output : 9

Direct calling:  sum(2)(3)(4); // output : 9

ES6 Currying Function-  Example1
var saycurrying = (wish) => (name) => {
    console.log(wish + ", " + name);
var sayHi = saycurrying ("Hi");
sayHi ("Nolan"); // output : Hi, Nolan

Direct calling: saycurrying ("Hi")(“Nolan”); // output : Hi, Nolan

ES6 Currying Function-  Example2
renderHtmlTag = tagName => content => `<${tagName}>${content}</${tagName}>`
renderDiv = renderHtmlTag('div')
renderDiv(“This is sample div”)
renderH1 = renderHtmlTag('h1')
renderH1 (“This is sample H1”)

Direct calling: renderHtmlTag("div")(“This is sample div”); 

Happy Coding :)
