Grunt Configuration in Visual Studio

Grunt is a JavaScript based task runner used to perform plenty of operations like concatenation, minification, copy, clear, check for quality using JS Hint, uglify, minify css, image compression and etc.

Grunt place a vital role in client side frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, Vue.JS and etc.

See the following are popular Grant tasks
  1. grunt-contrib-concat : It is used to concat multiple files and generate single file
  2. grunt-contrib-uglify : It is used to minify javscript files, removes white spaces, removes commented code and rename variables 
  3. grunt-contrib-cssmin : It is used to compress CSS files
  4. grunt-contrib-imagemin : It is used to compress images
  5. grunt-remove-logging-calls : it is used to remove console.log statements
  6. grunt-ng-annotate : It is used to add angularJS dependency injection annotations
  7. grunt-ng-annotate-analyze: It is used to identify missing angularJs dependency injection annotations
You can download complete steps from the link : Download

Happy Coding :)
