ASP.NET __doPostBack is Undefined in IE 10/11 browser ( LinkButton not working)

Till yesterday my ASP.NET website working amazingly in IE 8/9 browser without any issue. Today morning one of my client complained that website is not working in IE 10. 

Immediately I opened my website in IE 10 and try to click one of link button.

Boom Boom…JavaScript error “__doPostBack is undefined

I had gone through few Microsoft articles and found that .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 frameworks are unable to detect IE 10 browser.

There are ton of solutions are written but none of these worked directly for me.

We can resolve this issue either Machine level or Application/Website level


1.       Remove “_browserCapabilitiesCompiler.compiled” file from Website Bin folder if exists. If this file exists none of other solutions will work. Because every time you request the page engine return the browser compatibility data from above file only.

2.       For Application level, download IE 10/11 browser xml file ( IE10.browser ) from Microsoft website and copy into website App_Browser folder.

3.       For Machine level,

i)                    download IE 10/11 browser xml file ( IE10.browser ) from Microsoft website

ii)                   copy to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\Browsers

iii)                 Run C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regbrowsers –i

iv)                 Run iisreset

Now everything should work as you expected.

Happy Coding  :)
