C#.NET: Send SMS/SMS Integration using Twilio Rest Client

The Twilio C#/.NET SDK makes it easy to interact with the Twilio API from your .NET application.

The Twilio C# SDK supports .NET applications written in C#, VB.Net, and F# that utilize the .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher and .net core

Steps to configure Twilio

1. Install Twilio DLL references from Nuget package
     Install-Package Twilio
2. Register with Twilio using
3. Get the Account SID and Auth Token from Twilio Dashboard
4. Add Account SID and Auth Token into Web.config Appsettings
5. Add funds to the twilio account
6. Register SENDER short code in Twilio
7. Set SENDER short code in web.config Appsettings
8. Activate Country code using
9. Add Country code prior to the phone number
10. Create SMSResponse DB Table for logging Twilio responses

You can download SMS helper code from the URL : Download
You can download DBScript from the URL : Download 

Happy Coding :)
