Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Font Awesome : The iconic font and CSS toolkit

Font Awesome supports massive range of scalable vector icons which can be customized with simple CSS.

All font awesome icons customized with different kinds of size, color, drop shadow and etc with the power of CSS

1. It supports more than 700+ icons
2. It works without JavaScript
3. It uses scalable vector graphics. So it looks awesome at any size
4. Easy customization with pure CSS
5. It looks amazing on high-resolution displays
6. It supports all browsers
7. It works great with the full range of Bootstrap 3 components

you can download font awesome cheat sheet from : Download
visit for more info

Happy Coding :)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lodash.js: JavaScript utility library

It is a modern JavaScript utility library to perform different operations on arrays, numbers, objects, strings and etc.

Underscore.JS and Lo-Dash provide similar functionality. Lo-Dash is a super-set of Underscore.JS. It provides everything that Underscore does, along with a few additional helper functions.

Lodash offers

1. Short hand syntaxes for chaining
2. Custom builds to only use what you need
3. Cross browser functionality
4. Semantic versioning
5. Extra functionality compare to underscore.js
6. Performance gains
7. Continuous improvement to Lo-dash library

You can download complete utility functions from:

Happy Coding :)

AngularJS Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API, Owin and OAuth

REST API has become so popular with the rise of Mobile Application usage in the industry. Token Based Authentication is the best way to authenticate the user instead of cookie/session based authentication.

This article is continuation to “Web API Token Based Authentication”. Please go through the previous article before moving into this.

HTTP Interceptors in Angular JS

Http Interceptors are similar to .NET http modules. It will interfere before sending request to the server and after receiving the response from the server.

The $http service is a core Angular service that facilitates communication with remote server to make http request. In certain scenarios,

i. We have to capture every http request and manipulate it before sending it to the remote server.
ii. We have to capture the http response from the server and manipulate it before sending it to the client

So in our example, we are using Http Interceptor to attach authentication token to the http request before sending to the server for validating the logged in user.

Check “app.config.js” file to verify how we have configured Http Interceptors in Angular JS

You can download complete documentation from the URL :Download
You can download complete Visual Studio Source Code from the URL :Download

Happy Coding :)